Welcome to ARNVIND GROUP, a leading innovator in the fields of AI/GPT, intelligent cloud planning and headhunting. Our two business areas, MLR ARNVIND and EXO ARNVIND, are at the forefront of their respective industries, providing cutting-edge solutions to help our clients achieve their goals.

MLR ARNVIND is revolutionizing productivity and employee satisfaction with our cutting-edge AI&GPT technology. Our flagship product, PLANNERTECH, is trusted by some of the largest global companies as the world’s most advanced planning tool for Pharma. With PLANNERTECH, you can expect unparalleled optimization and automation, resulting in increased productivity and satisfaction among employees and managers.

We are proud to a have a cutting edge AI/GPT institute, with products like ArnvindGPT Librarian, and ArnvindGPT Specialist made with our Multilayer GPT technology, which is highly effective in handling large volumes of internal documentation. Our technology accelerate skills level, simplifies complex processes, reduces errors, and saves time and money.

Join the ranks of industry leaders and skyrocket your productivity and satisfaction with MLR ARNVIND.

At EXO ARNVIND, we are a technology frontrunner and the world’s first to use Shared Economy referrals, taking headhunting to the future of shared social networking and advanced technologies.

Are you looking for the best talents in the Machine Learning, LLM/GPT and Data Science era? Do you want to hire experts who masters the latest technologies?

Whether you need a fx. Senior Data Scientist, Software Engineer, a Team Lead or a Manager we can help you find the perfect match for your needs. You will work with the best of the best!

Our headhunters are highly qualified Certified assessors and have Sector-specific skills, assuring much higher quality and hit rates than other more conventional recruiter/headhunting companies. We are committed to diversity and allthough we use some of the worlds most advanced AI automation solutions  only a human will assess another human is our guiding principle!

Contact us to learn more about our advanced headhunting solutions and how we can help you find the perfect candidates for your business.